"Dirt work" means several things: constructing the
retaining walls that are essential for earth sheltering, finessing the exposed mouths of the drainage tiles, final contouring of the subsoil and redistributing the top soil that was removed for construction. Secondarily, a series of rain gardens need to be installed for controlling the run-off originating from our present residence next door and continuing down through, and augmented by, the hillside configuration of the new building site -- a total run of several hundred feet. And some remaining sections of the insulation/watershed umbrella has to be installed in the process.
As for retaining walls, the plans call for two major "umbrella walls" plus two of smaller size that did not involve the umbrella.
Reminder: To enlarge any photo for clearer detail, click on it.
The Umbrella Behind and Under the East Retaining Wall (one of two "umbrella walls")
As explained in a triad of prior posts, the umbrella comprises layers of sand, foam insulation board and 6 mil plastic sheeting plus a couple of layers of recycled
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North elevation; notice transitions from 12' center wall and 8' walls on either ends; the dark line is the architect's take on the final grade, including two retaining walls |
Most of the north earth contact wall of the house is 12' high then it transitions abruptly to eight foot walls near each end (see drawing). The most
Excavation complete, metal posts in place and a sand bed for the horizontal insulaiton |
The horizontal insulation under the walls is merely a matter of making sure the excavation drains well, is smooth and
First layer of plastic lies under the horizontal insulation and behind the vertical vertical insulation |
Horizontal insulation over two additional layers of 6 mil plastic sheeting |
I proceeded by setting two posts, one near the house and the other about 20' from the house. Their height matched the linear slope that the insulation will take from a high end next to the house to a low end next to the French (the French drain that will drain water from the top of the umbrella -- grist for another post). Intervening posts were driven along a mason line stretched between the first two posts (east wall) or, better yet,the edge of the horizontal insulation (west wall). I stood the vertical insulation on the horizontal insulation and stabilized it with clamps and props while I snapped a chalk line
Vertical insulation wired to posts |
A 6 mil plastic sheet was laid down over the sand such that there was 5- 6' of excess running in both directions for later shingling with the plastic sheeting of the umbrella above and below the wall.
After the horizontal insulation was returned to position and the vertical insulation was wired
Two more layers of 6 mil plastic sheeting covering the insulation |
The horizontal insulation under the wall loosely follows the plan for the rest of the umbrella behind the house, i.e., 4" thick for the first 8' out from the house, 3" thick for another 8', then 2" thick for the final 4' -- 20' in all. The vertical insulation is 4" thick throughout with extruded polystyrene on the stone side and the weaker (but cheaper)
Generous layer of sand over the plastic to protect it from injudicious stone placement; boards protect loose edges of the plastic from foot traffic during stone placement |
Protecting the Vertical Insulation
The first retaining wall was erected a year and a half ago with the help of weekend volunteers using salvaged stones from a 19th century barn foundation. Similarly, we did the new retaining walls with weekend volunteers using more of the same stones . I either piled sand next to the wall or parked the track loader with sand nearby so that a layer of sand could be used between stones vertically and horizontally to help situate and stabilize them, considering their discordant sizes and shapes.
Using sand as a filler meant that the space between the vertical insulation (covered with plastic sheeting) and the stones was also filled with sand. But, without backfilling, the weight of the sand against the insulation or any pressure from the stones would distort the insulation -- a serious problem that partially collapsed the insulation and compromised the R-value of the wall built previously. Consequently, I fastened with 12" spikes a 2 x 6 over the horizontal insulation such that it abutted and stabilized the bottom of the vertical insulation. I then was able to backfill the vertical insulation with sand, a shovel-full at a time, to a depth of a foot or so. The 2 x 6 was then removed and the spikes were reinserted to stabilize the insulation during wall-building. The rest of the backfilling was done gradually in tantum with building the wall.
Building the Wall
I feel blessed to have had enough weekend volunteers, not only to build the wall we have
Stone wall well under way |
Whereas the first retaining wall went up too fast for a high-quality outcome, the new wall took all of a half-day to build and with a satisfying result. I had already stached nearby what I thought were enough stones and sand to build the wall. My role then was to give general instructions as to its size, height and the need to be careful not to damage the plastic sheeting or the stuccoed house wall. The volunteers were free to place the stones as they saw fit and they did a great job. Delegating paid off because I had under-estimated the number of stones and sand necessary and was kept busy with the track loader ferrying in more materials.
The Second Day
The second day was as much about hiding
Ugly French drain mouths |
Stones added for aesthetics and to control erosion; notice original retaining wall in the background |
Then on to a couple of retaining walls. The first was next to the garage doors, which, by now, was hardly a challenge for the volunteers. The second involved adding height to the first retaining wall at its house end. Again, all I did was bring in the stones with the loader -- the crew did the rest un-micro-managed.
With the stones in place, I needed to take advantage of the relative dry fall to finish the
Raising the original wall next to the house |
The Second Umbrella Wall
The retaining wall detailed above is the east-most umbrella wall. The west-most umbrella wall was completed only to point of receiving stones. With the weather window for the rest of the dirt work closing fast, the umbrella behind and to the west of the house became lower priority. The wall will have to be finished in the ensuring months in conjunction with installation of the rest of the umbrella.
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